
normal fullshading

  • Bust-Up: 10$

  • Halfbody: 15$

  • Fullbody: 18$

  • fullshading chibi: 10$

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

fullshading reference sheet

  • fullshading reference sheet: 35$

  • fullshading chibi reference sheet: 15$

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

*note: $$ means the price is higher depends on the complexity of the illustration

polished sketch

normal polished chibi sketch

  • polished chibi sketch: 5$

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

*note: $$ means the price is higher depends on the complexity of the illustration

normal polished chibi reference sheet

  • polished chibi reference sheet: 8$

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

scened illustration

special illustration with detailed background and magical stuff

  • bust-up: 10$ + $$

  • halfbody: 15$ + $$

  • fullbody:18$ + $$

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

*note: $$ means the price is higher depends on the complexity of the illustration

special commision

illustration made for special request of the customers such as Twitch Banners, Emotes, Icons, Uncolored Sketch, Etc.

  • emotes: 3$/ each (commercial use)

  • twitch panels: 5$/ each (commercial use)

  • twitch banners: $$

  • colored polished sketch: 2-4 $

  • uncolored polished sketch: 1-3 $

Additional Character + 100%
Character Design + $$
Character Complexity +$$

*note: $$ means the price is higher depends on the complexity of the illustration